Help FatBoy

Saturday, May 21, 2005

And the Ax Falls...

May 21, 2005

Ok, who knew that I would be so committed to this blog. Well, I finally told my girlfriend about the surgical option. To say it didn’t go over well would probably be the understatement of the year. Her reply was surprisingly negative. Well, not really surprisingly. She had a gastric bypass before we met. She lost a lot of weight after the surgery. And I have to say she looks damn good. But, she has had a lot of problems since her surgery. She has even gained back a lot of the weight she lost. Mind you she is NOWHERE CLOSE to where she was when she had the surgery.

To make a very long, loud and angry discourse short; if I get the surgery, I loose the girl. Who knew?

Ok, this does color my decision. It’s always nice to know you have your loved ones in your corner ain’t it.

Friday, May 20, 2005

FatBoy's Lament

May 20, 2005

What up y’all? Yup this is the point you find out that I am a Southerner. Which is a lil’ of the reason I am so big. I have grown up with great Southern Cooks and Five Star BBQ Barons. Heck, I still haven’t dated the woman that can out cook me. I definitely have more cooks books than any of them. But that’s another story.

Back to the point, starting this blog got me talking to friends about my thinking about having the procedure. The hardest thing is to explain that it is not a gastric bypass. The most common thing I’ve heard so far is “…how could you even think about doing something like this…” I have to explain that it’s not something I decided on a whim. I have to do a quick summary of the procedure. I have to explain how little down time I am going to have and basically what its going to take to make this work.

But, I will say that the criticism had helped me think more about it. It’s also got me beginning to focus more on the present. And the present is, I’m not getting this done tomorrow. If I am serious about my weight, I need to get more active now. Anyone know a good trainer?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Help FatBoy

May 19, 2005

Good Evening everyone. I am FatBoy. Ok, so that’s not my real name but being a big guy my WHOLE life you get used to hearing it.

Why start this blog? Simple, I’m tired of being fat. I’m tired of being judged as not quite as competent because of my weight. I’m tired of being the guy no one wants to sit next to on the plane. I’m tired of everything that goes along with the extra person I’m carrying with me every day.

Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE myself. But loving myself lately is like loving 2 people. No, I mean right now I weight almost as much as 2 people. So all being said, I am going to take the big plunge or in FatBoy terms, the big belly flop. I am getting that gastric loop thingy. If can stop TRYING to be funny for a moment, the procedure is called the adjustable gastric loop gastroplasty. Between travel and doctors visits the cost is going to be just around $12,000. So right now I am just $11,881.26 away from the new me. That said, I NEED your opinion. I am setting up a website with a few pictures of my condition. If you think I should loose weight, donate. If you think all is fine then donate anyway…lol.

In all seriousness, keep a lookout for the site and thanks for your support.